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Public Courses
June 5- From “Reactive Defence” to “Proactive Collaboration”

Past, current practices and future trends of
Industrial Relationship, Employee Relationship and HRM
Implications for HR practitioners in China


Shanghai ;  June 5,2008

【Language】: 中文

【Speaker】: Cherie Zhu(朱久华)

Dr Cherrie Jiuhua Zhu is an Associate Professor, Director of the China Program in the Department of Management, Faculty of Business and Economics, Monash University. She received her Bachelor degree in arts (English Language and Literature) from Nanjing Normal University, MBA from Monash University and PhD in human resource management (HRM) from the University of Tasmania. Dr Zhu lectures subjects including HRM, international HRM, international management, managing multinational enterprises to undergraduates, postgraduate students and corporate managers in Australia and China. Apart from her teaching and research, she has provided consultation to businesses in Australia and China since early 1990s to assist their cross-border and cross-culture management of workforce. Associate Professor Zhu has published widely and presented papers internationally. Peer review journals in which her work has appeared include Human Resource Management, International Journal of Human Resource Management,  Asia Pacific Journal of Human Resources, Research & Practice in Human Resource Management, Human Resource Planning, Thunderbird International Business Review, Management International Review, World Development, Urban Studies, Social Policy & Administration and Post-Communist Economies. Her book entitled ‘HRM in China: Past, Current and Future HR Practices in the Industrial Sector' was published by Routledge in 2005.


Since mid-2007, the HR practitioners have been keeping hastily learning the series of new Labour Laws all around, in order to adjust corporate HR policies, procedures and practices to cope with the employment environment change.  However, after long time learning, sharing, discussion, more of us found it hardly possible to make HR policies FLAWLESS.

With this background, a new type of “Employee Relationship (ER)” – a trust-based COLLABORATIVE one rather than a DEFENSIVE one – is required to be established by HR.  

In China, ER is being an elementary stage.  That’s why we’ve invited Cherrie Zhu, Associate Professor, Director – China Program of Monash University, PhD in HRM, to bring her insights of years of research, study and forecast, with mature HR practices in those developed countries.


9:00-9:15          Sign-in

9:15-9:35  Historical overview and development of industrial relations (IR) and employee   relations (ER)
* Origin
* Characteristics of IR/ER
* Development
* Challenges IR has faced
* Marginalized trade unions?

9:35-10:35 From IR/ER to Human Resource Management (HRM)
* From pluralist approach to unitary approach
* Enterprise Bargaining (EB)
* EB and HRM
* Challenges for HRM and fighting back (Organizational change and development, employees’ commitment and performance, added value from HRM, etc.)
* Strategies of HRM – strategic HRM
* A case study

10:35-10:55 Coffee Break/Networking

10:55-12:15 Implications for HRM in China
* Changing role of government in business as the consequence of increasing presentation/participation in the global business
* Changes in the institutional environment (newly introduced labour contract law, shortage of labours in some areas, bargaining power of employers and employees, etc.)
* How to measure the value added by HRM? (links between HR policies/practices and firm’s financial and social performance, internal consultant for managers, HRM results measurement, etc.)
* A case study
* Q&A

Participation Fee  RMB 1200 /person with materials and tea break provided;
                   RMB 1800* /person for attending together with the afternoon course, with materials, tea breaks, and lunch.

Please send email to Ms. Lea (lea.li@keyperformance.org)  for seat reservation or call (86)158-006-158-66 for more details.